Seven Step Ad Tech Guide from DMA and ISBA

May 2020

The DMA and ISBA guide for marketers and advertisers to help navigate through the complexity of handling personal data in Ad Tech.

This guide was written in response to the ICO’s Ad Tech Update which looked into how data was used in auction style Real Time Bidding.

The ICO had identified a number of concerns relating to the protection of the rights of data subjects through the use of Real Time Bidding (RTB) in the programmatic delivery of digital advertising.

As background for the uninitiated, the majority of digital advertising is delivered programmatically (through automation) via a variety of methods including Real Time Bidding (RTB).

RTB is defined as the delivery of programmatic advertising by a real-time auction method. To support this process, there are a myriad of technology solutions (Ad Tech) providers who enable advertisers to identify and target recipients of advertising delivered in real time.

The guide written in collaboration with the DPN and PwC UK, aims to support UK businesses actively engaged in the programmatic delivery of digital advertising to ensure they protect the rights of data subjects.

It is a practical guide to the seven steps participants can take to ensure they adhere to the legal requirements and demonstrate their understanding of the regulator’s concerns. The DMA and ISBA were able to consult with ICO during the development of the guide.

It’s designed as a reference with clearly defined sections allowing readers to read the whole document or dip in as the need arises. Where suppliers are mentioned these are noted as examples and are not recommendations.

This guidance is divided into seven clear steps:

1. Education and Understanding – a comprehensive introduction to cookies and programmatic advertising with a detailed glossary of terms.

2. Special Category Data – the ICO highlighted the importance of treating special category data with care and this section steps you through its definition and usage.

3. Understanding the Data Journey – a key challenge is being able to track how data is captured and who processes it. This section explains how to complete a Record of Processing Activities as well as introducing the IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework.

4. Conduct a DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment) – the ICO noted the limited use of DPIAs in Ad Tech. This section sets out to explain what it is, when to use it as well as some pointers to what questions to ask.

5. Audit the Supply Chain – the ICO highlighted that you cannot rely on contracts to provide assurance around the use of personal data. This section provides audit check lists and questions you need answered when auditing suppliers.

6. Measure Advertising Effectiveness – the ICO have queried whether it’s necessary to use all the data collected through Ad Tech platforms. This section provides links to reference materials for improving insights into advertising effectiveness to allow for a proportionate approach to using personal data.

7. Alternatives to Third Party Cookies – what does a post third-party cookie world look like? This section provides some suggestions about alternative methods of targeting including the adoption of contextual targeting. It also provides references to some industry initiatives which are exploring different ways of targeting in a less intrusive manner.

See the full 7 Step Ad Tech Guide

Marketers: Will You Need to do a DPIA for that?

February 2020

Why Marketers need to understand Data Protection Impact Assessments

The ICO published its draft Direct Marketing Code of Practice on 8 January 2020.

One of the key topics which emerged from DPN’s analysis of the draft Code is the ICO’s clarification of the types of marketing / profiling activities where organisations should be carrying out a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA).

In simple terms, a DPIA is a process that helps companies to identify, assess and mitigate privacy risks right from the start of a project.

An organisation must be able to demonstrate accountability and privacy by design principles by showing they have taken the appropriate measures to safeguard the ‘rights and freedoms’ of individuals.

When should a DPIA be conducted?

The ICO states, in their draft Code, that any ‘direct marketing’ activity which involves the processing of personal data that is likely to result in ‘high risk’ to the individual requires a DPIA before you start processing.

The following examples are given:

  • when conducting ‘large scale’ profiling of individuals for marketing purposes
  • matching datasets for marketing purposes
  • processing may be ‘invisible’ to the data subject, e.g. list brokering, online tracking by third parties, re-use of publicly available data
  • using geo-location data for marketing purposes
  • tracking the behaviour of individuals including online advertising, web and cross device tracking, tracing services (tele-matching & tele-appending), wealth profiling and loyalty schemes.
  • targeting children or other vulnerable individuals for marketing purposes

That certainly sounds like a lot of situations, doesn’t it?

We anticipate a lot of marketers who have never conducted DPIA before will have to learn fast.

The ICO suggests it’s likely that ALL marketers will need to carry out a DPIA at some point. The Regulator says this will bring financial and reputation benefits – and crucially, will help to build trust with individuals.

The draft code includes a ‘good practice recommendation’:

“Even if there is no specific indication of likely high risk in your direct marketing activity, it is good practice to do a DPIA for any major new project involving the use of personal data.”

So what do you need to do?

When carrying out a DPIA for marketing, organisations must be able to:

  • describe the nature, scope, context and purposes of what you are planning to do
  • assess its necessity, proportionality and any compliance measures in place
  • identify and assess risks to individuals
  • identify any additional measures which may be appropriate to mitigate any risks

As with any ‘new’ process, it will take time, patience and practice to embed into the culture and develop expertise within your teams. Over time, marketing teams will get more and more adept at carrying out DPIAs.

Smart marketers see the DPIA process as a way to demonstrate they’ve truly focused on their customer or prospect – from the planning phase all the way through to implementation.

It helps to recognise and tackle any privacy issues early on and helps to prevent any undesirable consequences.