Data breaches – human or a catalogue of errors?

August 2023

Why systems fail

The recent spate of serious data breaches, not least the awful case involving the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), left me wondering: who’s really to blame? We’re used to hearing about human error, but is it too easy to point the finger?

Is it really the fault of the person who pressed the send button? An old adage comes to mind, ‘success has a thousand fathers, failure is an orphan.’

Of course, people make mistakes. Training, technology and procedures can easily fail if ignored, either wilfully or otherwise. Yes, people are part of the equation. But that’s what it is. An equation. There are usually other factors at play.

In the PSNI case – one involving safety-critical data – I would argue there’s a strong argument that any system allowing such unredacted material to enter an FOIA environment in the first place is flawed?

Nobody is immune from human error. About nine years ago, on my second day in a new compliance role, I left my rucksack on the train. Doh! Luckily, there was no personal data relating to my new employer inside. I lost my workplace starter pack and had to cancel my debit card. I recall the sinking feeling as my new boss said, ‘well, that’s a bit embarrassing for someone in your job’. It was. But I knew it could have been so much worse.

Approximately 80% of data breaches are classified by the Information Commissioner’s Office as being caused by human error. Common mistakes include:

  • Email containing personal data sent to the wrong recipients
  • Forwarding attachments containing personal data in error
  • Failing to notice hidden tabs or lines in spreadsheets which contain personal data (this is one of the causes cited in the PSNI case)
  • Sensitive mail going to the wrong postal address (yes, a properly old-fashioned dead wood data breach!)

However, sometimes I hear about human error breaches and don’t think ‘how did someone accidently do that?’ Instead, I wonder…

  • Why didn’t anyone spot the inherent risk of having ALL those records in an unprotected spreadsheet in the first place?
  • Why wasn’t there a system in place to prevent people being able to forget to blind copy email recipients?
  • Is anyone reviewing responses to Data Subject Access Requests or FOI requests? What level of supervision / QA exists in that organisation?
  • Why is it acceptable for someone to take confidential papers out of their office?

I could go on.

Technical and Organisational Measures (TOMs)

Rather than human error, should we be blaming a lack of appropriate technical and organisational measures (TOMs) to protect personal data? A fundamental data protection requirement.

We all know robust procedures and security measures can mitigate the risk of human error. A simple example – I know employees who receive an alert if they’re about to send an attachment containing personal data without a password.

Alongside this, data protection training is a must, but it should never be a ‘tick box’ exercise. It shouldn’t be a case of annual online training module completed; no further action required! We need to make sure training is relevant and effective and delivers key learning points and messages. Training should be reinforced with regular awareness campaigns. Using mistakes (big or small) as case studies are a good way to keep people alert to the risks. This is another reason why post-event investigation is so important as a lesson-learning exercise.

Rather than being a liability, if we arm people with enough knowledge they can become our greatest asset in preventing data breaches.

Chatting with my husband about this, he mentioned a boss once asking him to provide some highly sensitive information on a spreadsheet. Despite the seniority and insistence of the individual, my husband refused. He offered an alternative solution, with protecting people’s data at heart. Armed with enough knowledge, he knew what he had been asked to do was foolhardy.

Lessons from previous breaches

It’s too early to call what precisely led to these recent breaches:

  • The Police Service of Northern Ireland releasing a spreadsheet containing the details of 10,000 police officers and other staff public in response to a Freedom of Information Request
  • Norfolk and Suffolk Police accidentally releasing details of victims and witnesses of crime
  • Scottish genealogy website revealing thousands of adopted children’s names.

However, we can learn from previous breaches and the findings of previous ICO investigations.

You may recall the case of Heathrow Airport’s lost unencrypted memory stick. Although ostensibly a case of human error, the ICO established the Airport failed not only ‘to ensure that the personal data held on its network was properly secured’, but also failed to provide sufficient training in relation to data protection and information security. The person blamed for the breach was unaware the memory stick should have been encrypted in the first place.

Then there was the Cabinet Office breach in which people’s home addresses we published publicly in the New Year’s Honours list. The actual person who published the list must’ve had a nightmare, when they realised what had happened. But the ICO findings revealed a new IT system was rushed in and set up incorrectly. The procedure given for people to follow was incorrect. A tight deadline meant short-cuts were taken. The Cabinet Office was found to have been complacent.

The lesson here? Data breaches aren’t always solely the fault of the person pressing the ‘send’ button. Too often,  systems and procedures have already failed. Data protection is a mindset. A culture. Not an add-on. As the PSNI has sadly discovered, in the most awful of circumstances.

The impact breaches can have on employees, customers, victims of crime, patients and so on, can be devastating. Just the knowledge that their data is ‘out there’ can cause distress and worry.

Data protection law doesn’t spell out what businesses must do. To know where data protection risks lie, we need to know what personal data we have across the business and what it’s being used for.  Risks need to be assessed and managed. And the measures put in place need to be proportionate to the risk.

Privacy Notices Quick Guide

The right to be informed

All businesses need an external facing Privacy Notice, aka Privacy Policy, if collecting and handling people’s personal information.

Data protection law tells us we must provide people with easily accessible and specific privacy information when we collect their data. This guide sets out the key considerations and core requirements our Privacy Notices.

privacy notice guide from the data protection consultancy DPN - Data Protection Network

Top 10 Data Protection Tips for SMEs

January 2023

Is it onerous for SMEs to become compliant?

One of the stated aims of the UK Government’s Data Protection and Digital Information Bill is to support small businesses and remove unnecessary bureaucracy. 

As context, there are 5.6m businesses in UK of which SMEs (less than 250 employees) represents 99% of the total. According to IAPP research approximately 32,000 organisations in UK have a registered DPO. It’s right, therefore, to focus on SMEs. 

But how onerous is small business data protection now? Arguably, the answer is, not as onerous as you might think. We’ve created a top 10 checklist for start-ups and small businesses to help you decide what you should be concerned with: 

1.     Do I need to worry about data protection regulation? 

Yes. Pretty much any business processing personal data for commercial purposes need to worry about data protection. (It does not apply to purely ‘personal or household activity’). Having said that, the law and regulatory advice focuses on taking a ‘proportionate’ approach. There’s no one size fits all and it will depend on the risk appetite of your organisation. 

2.     Do I need a DPO?

Probably not. If the answer to these three questions is no, you don’t need a DPO…

  • Are you a public authority or body?
  • Do your core business activities require regular and systematic monitoring of individuals on a large scale?
  • Do your core business activities involve processing on a large scale ‘special category data’, or criminal convictions or offences data?

Even if you don’t need a DPO, it’s wise to nominate someone in your organisation as a data protection lead. This does not need to be a full-time role. Alternatively, you can outsource this activity to someone/a company who can provide the support on a part-time basis. 

3.     Do I need a RoPA (Record of Processing Activity)

Maybe. There’s no escaping the fact RoPAs are challenging documents to complete and can absorb a huge amount of time. Companies with more than 250 employees must always keep a RoPA – that’s just under 8,000 businesses in UK.

If you have less than 250 employees, you don’t need a RoPA if the following applies:

  • Processing does not pose a risk to the rights and freedoms of the data subject 
  • No special category data is being processed
  • If the processing is only done occasionally

The debate start when you consider what constitutes a ‘risk to the rights and freedom of the data subject’. It’s worth considering the type of data you handle rather than the volumes to help you decide whether to complete a RoPA. As a start up, you may not need a RoPA as defined in the legislation. However, having a record of what information is processed, for what purpose and under what lawful basis is a good idea even if the ICO RoPA form is not. 

There are changes afoot with regards to the RoPA under UK data reform plans, but a record of your activities may still be necessary, just not as current prescribed.

4.     Do I need to register with ICO?

Almost certainly YES. The ICO asks all businesses that process personal data to pay the Data Protection Fee. This is used to fund the ICO and its activities. This isn’t onerous. In fact, most small businesses will only have to pay £40 (or £35 with a direct debit). And that’s before you’ve considered whether you’re exempt. Not for profit status is a possible example. 

 5.     Do I need a privacy notice (policy)?

Yes. A privacy notice is a foundational piece of your data protection work. Any organisation which processes personal data needs to set out what data they are processing and how they are processing it as well as the data subject’s rights. The ICO’s checklist provides very clear guidance for what must be in a notice and what might be in a notice.

6.     How about a cookie notice?

Yes again. If you have a website, assume you need a cookie notice. Even if all you’re doing is using cookies to manage the performance of your website, a cookie notice is required. This does not need to cost money. You can get free software from the major privacy software providers. They have simple step by step set up guides. There is really no excuse not to have a cookie notice. 

7.     What about accountability?

Yes, but make it proportionate. In a nutshell, accountability means ‘evidencing your activities’. Keep a record of what you do, why you’re doing it and your decision-making. It also means making sure you have appropriate technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data. Have staff been adequately trained in data protection? Do we have clear guidelines and/or policies to help them? 

8.     What about Individual Rights? 

Yes. Every individual has clear rights and irrespective of the size of the organisation you need to fulfil these requests. 

These rights include right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure, the right to restrict processing, the right to data portability, the right to object and the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing.

Not all of these might apply to a small business but it’s important to decide how to recognise and respond to these requests from individuals. 

9.    Don’t forget information security

Yes. Cyber Essentials was designed for SMEs. Arguably it’s the absolute minimum for any business. It does cost money but not a lot. Gaining the Cyber Essentials certification (if self-certified) costs £300. The five technical controls are: 

  • Boundary firewalls and internet gateways
  • Secure configuration.
  • Access control.
  • Malware protection.
  • Patch management.

10.  What about International Data Transfers? 

Hopefully no! If you and your suppliers are only operating in UK and Europe stop reading now. However, if any data is exported to a third country (such as USA, South Africa or India), there’s no escaping the fact that international data transfers can be painful to work through. 

When EU-US Privacy Shield was invalidated in 2020 this caused significant problems for data transfers between US and EU/UK. At the time, Max Schrems’ advice was to only work with companies based in UK or Europe who are not exporting data to third countries. However, this isn’t always possible – just consider how many people use Google, Microsoft or Mailchimp. 

Many, if not most, businesses will have dealings with these three and the reality is that you must accept they’re not going to change anything for you, or choose not to use them. 


Many small and start-up businesses can get ready relatively quickly. The trick for small business data protection is to review your arrangements on a regular basis and be aware if any more complicated processing emerges. For instance, anything involving automated processing, special category data, AI or children’s data carries significant risk and should be treated with care. 

There’s more helpful information available on the ICO’s Small Business Hub.

Data Protection Basics: The 7 data protection principles

November 2022

Understanding the key principles of data protection

Let’s get back to basics. There are seven core principles which form the foundation of data protection law. Understanding and applying these principles is the cornerstone for good practice and key to complying with UK / EU GDPR.

Here’s our quick guide to the data protection principles.

1. Lawfulness, fairness and transparency

This principle covers 3 key areas.

a) Lawfulness – We must identify an appropriate ‘lawful basis’ for collecting and using personal data. In fact, we need to decide on a lawful basis for each task we use personal data for, and make sure we fulfil the specific conditions for that lawful basis. There are 6 lawful bases to choose from.

We need to take special care and look to meet additional requirements when using what’s termed ‘special category’ data or data which relates to minors or vulnerable people.

We should also be sure not do anything which is likely to contravene any other laws.

b) Fairness – We must only use people’s data only in ways that are fair. Don’t process data in a way which might be unexpected, discriminatory or misleading. This means evaluating any adverse affects on individuals.

c) Transparency – We must be clear, open and honest with people about how we use their personal information. Tell people what we’re going to do with their personal information. Routinely this is achieved by providing relevant privacy information at the point data is collected, and by publishing a complete and up to date privacy notice and making this easy to find. Transparency requirements apply right from the start, when we collect or receive people’s data.

2. Purpose limitation

This is all about only using personal details in the ways we told people they’d be used for. We must be clear about what our purposes for processing are and specify them in the privacy information we provide to individuals.

Sometimes we might want to use personal data for a new purpose. We may have a clear legal obligation to do it, but if not we should check the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose(s) we had for that data. If not, then we may need to secure the individual’s consent before going ahead.

Remember, if we surprise people, they ‘ll be more likely to complain.

3. Data minimisation

We must make sure the personal data we collect and use is:

  • Adequate – necessary for our stated purposes. Only collect the data we really need. Don’t collect and keep certain personal information ‘just in case’ it might be useful in future.
  • Relevant – relevant to that purpose; and
  • Limited to what is necessary – don’t use more data than we need for each specific purpose.

4. Accuracy

We should take ‘all reasonable steps’ to make sure the personal data we gather and hold is accurate, up-to-date and not misleading.

It’s good practice to use data validation tools when data is captured or re-used. For example, validate email addresses are in the right format, or verify postal addresses when these are captured online.

If we identify any of the personal information we hold is incorrect or misleading, we should take steps to correct or delete it promptly.

Data accuracy can decline over time. For example, people change their email address, move house, get married or divorced, their needs and interests change. And of course some people on your database may pass away. So we need to consider ways to keep our data updated and cleansed.

Perhaps find ways to give people the opportunity to check and update their personal details?

5. Storage limitation

Don’t be a hoarder! We must not keep personal data longer than necessary for the purposes we have specified.

Certain records need to be kept for a statutory length of time, such as employment data. But not all data processing has a statutory period. Where the retention period is not set by law, the organisation must set an appropriate data retention period for each purpose, which it can justify.

The ICO would expect us to have a data retention policy in place, with a schedule which states the standard retention period for each processing task. This is key step to making sure you can comply with this principle.

When the data is no longer necessary, we must destroy or anonymise it, unless there’s a compelling reason for us to keep it for longer. For example, when legal hold applies. For more information see our Data Retention Guidance.

6. Security

This is the ‘integrity and confidentiality’ principle of the GDPR – often known as the security principle. This requires organisations to make sure we have appropriate security measures in place to protect the personal data we hold.

UK / EU GDPR talks about ‘appropriate technical and organisational measures’ (known as TOMs). These includes things like physical and technical security measures, conducting information security risk analyses, having information security policies & standards in place to guide our staff.

Our approach to security should be proportionate to the risks involves. The ICO advises us to consider available technology and the costs of implementation when deciding what measures to take.

Some of the basics include transferring data securely, storing it securely, restricting access to only those who need it and authenticating approved data users.

Cyber Essentials or Cyber Plus can be helpful as an assurance framework to carry out a review of your data security arrangements.

Controllers should consider information security standards when appointing and managing relationships with processors, i.e. service providers handling personal data on your behalf to provide their services. Are your processors securely handling their processing of the data you control? Carry out appropriate due diligence to make sure.

7. Accountability

The accountability principle makes organisations responsible for complying with the UK / EU GDPR and says they must be able to evidence how they comply with the above principles.

This requires data governance across the organisation. Think of accountability as a collective responsibility, flowing from the Executive team and down through to the teams that process personal data.

To demonstrate how we comply, we need to have records in place. For many organisations this will include a Record of Processing Activities (RoPA).

The ICO provides a useful ‘Accountability Framework’ we can use to benchmark performance against their expectations.

In summary, identify the lawful bases you’re relying on and be fair and be open about what you do. Minimise the data you collect and make sure it remains accurate over time. Always keep it secure and don’t keep it for longer than you need it. Take care if you want to use personal data for a new purpose. Keep records and be ready to justify your approach.  The ICO has published more detailed guidance on the seven principles.

Data Retention Guide

Data retention tools, tips and templates

This comprehensive guides take you through the key steps and considerations when approaching data retention. Whether you’re starting out or reviewing your retention policy and schedules, we hope this guide will support your work.

The guide, first published in June 2020 was developed and written by data protection specialists from a broad range of organisations and sectors.  A huge thank you to all those who made it possible.

Privacy Management Programme – what does one look like?

October 2021

The concept is nothing new, but the term Privacy Management Programme (PMP) has been flung into the spotlight by the UK Government’s plans to reform data laws.

In a nutshell, the Government plans to revise the current accountability framework, replacing existing obligations (some of which are mandatory) with a requirement to implement a PMP.

It’s argued the current legislative framework ‘may be generating a significant and disproportionate administrative burden’ because it sets out detailed requirements organisations need to satisfy in order to demonstrate compliance.

The idea is a new ‘risked-based accountability framework’ will be introduced, requiring organisations to implement a PMP, but allow flexibility to internally tailor the programme to suit the organisation’s specific processing activities.

What is a Privacy Management Programme?

A PMP is a structured framework which supports organisations to meet their legal compliance obligations, the expectations of customers and clients, fulfil privacy rights, mitigate the risks of a data breach – and so forth.

Such a programme should recognise the value in taking an all-encompassing, holistic approach to data protection and privacy; embedding data protection principles and the concept of privacy by design and default.

Core components of a Privacy Management Programme

There are a number of PMP approaches and frameworks in existence. The UK Government has not yet elaborated on what they would expect a PMP to look like.

This top-level summary is broadly based on the IAPP’s Privacy Programme Management approach.

  • Governance

Organisations should develop and implement a suitable framework of management practices which make sure data is used properly and in line with organisational aims, laws and best practice. This should include adopting a privacy by design and by default approach; ensuring appropriate measures are in place to prevent unnecessary risks.

  • Assessments

Achieving clear oversight of the data held and processed, including any suppliers used to support business activities. Developing risk assessment tools which help to identify privacy risks and manage them effectively (e.g. Privacy Impact Assessments / Data Protection Impact Assessments).

  • Record-keeping

Mapping and maintaining an inventory of where personal data is, its purpose, how it is used and who it’s shared with.

  • Policies

Developing and implementing clear policies and procedures to guide staff and give them clear instructions about how personal data should be collected, used, stored, shared, protected and so on.

  • Training and awareness

Making sure adequate and appropriate training is conducted to give staff the knowledge and understanding they need to protect and handle data lawfully and in line with organisational expectations in their day-to-day roles. Making sure people are aware of how their organisation expects them to behave.

  • Privacy rights

Putting in place appropriate procedures to effectively and efficiently fulfil individual privacy rights requests, such as the right of access, erasure or objection.

  • Protecting personal information

Crucial to any PMP is protecting personal information. Working in conjunction with information security, a data protection by design approach would be expected – a proactive rather than reactive approach.

  • Data incident planning

Creating and developing data incident procedures and plans. Having appropriate methods to assess risk and potential impact, as well as understanding breach notification requirements.

  • Monitoring and auditing

Last, but by no means least no PMP would be complete without a methodology for tracking and benchmarking the programme’s performance.

What might change?

To many who’ve endeavoured to comply with the GDPR, all of the above will sound very familiar.

So, the Government isn’t proposing we do away with all the hard work already done. It’s planning a relaxation to some of the mandatory requirements; giving organisations more flexibility and control over how they implement certain elements of their programme.

On the one hand, this could be seen as a welcome move away from a ‘one-size fits all’ approach under UK GDPR, giving organisations more flexibility around how implement their privacy programmes to achieve desired outcomes.

On the other hand, there are fears the removal of mandatory requirements will lead to a watering down of the fundamental principle of accountability (a principle significantly bolstered under GDPR).

British Airways data breach – what can we learn?

October 2020

We’ve finally heard the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has fined British Airways £20 million for failing to protect personal and credit card data in their 2018 data breach. A breach which affected more than 400,000 BA customers and staff.

A final decision on this has been expected for some time, we just didn’t know what the figure would be until now. The amount is a fraction of the £183 million initially announced in the ICO’s notice of intention to fine. After considering BA’s representations and factoring in the economic impacts of COVID-19 it has been significantly reduced. But it’s still an eye-watering sum, in fact, the largest fine issued by the ICO.

What are the key lessons other businesses can learn from BA’s painful experience?

Information security must be taken seriously at Board level

Modern businesses rely on data more and more to provide quality services for customers and to create competitive advantage.  However, the risks to personal data are numerous, varied and ever-changing. A data breach can massively harm a business’s reputation with its customers, staff and with the world at large.

It’s often said that with power comes responsibility, so businesses need to recognise their roles as guardian and protector of the personal data of their customers and employees. We have to deliver on the promises we make, for example, in our privacy notices. Any steps your business can take to properly protect personal data and demonstrate to staff and the public how seriously you take data protection will help protect them from harm and also may help you to stand out from competitors in these tough times.

Boards need to show leadership by insisting on a strong and vigilant information security regime. I guess that means they need to be prepared to fund it too! It also means asking tough questions about the levels of data protection in place across the organisation.

Rachel Aldighieri, MD of the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), believes this is a wake up call;

“Brexit and coronavirus have put businesses under immense financial strain. A fine of this magnitude will certainly get the attention of Board members of organisations across the UK. They will certainly not want to risk receiving similar disciplinary action from the ICO. This is the largest fine issued by the ICO to date under the new GDPR laws, highlighting the importance all businesses should place on the security of customers’ data and the need to build in safeguards to protect it.

“Data is a fundamental part of the digital economy, so maintaining its security must be a business imperative. Trust in how brands collect, store and use data is essential to the relationship between businesses and their customers. This message should resonate with businesses now more than ever.”

Security measures must not only be ‘adequate’ but also checked and verified

The ICO said there were numerous measures BA could have used to mitigate or prevent the risk of an attacker accessing their network.

Martin Turner, Managing Director at cybersecurity specialists Full Frame Technology, believes BA missed the basics:

“As with so many serious data breaches, this one was caused by a failure to adopt the most basic security measures, including limiting access to applications, rigorous cybersecurity testing, and protecting accounts with multi-factor authentication.

Login credentials for a domain administrator account were stored in plain text. Software code wasn’t reviewed effectively. These are issues that a cybersecurity audit should have revealed, and BA has yet to explain why this didn’t happen.”

The ICO has (finally) shown us it has teeth!

Could this be a turning point? It’s been a long time coming and many expected it to happen much sooner. The ICO have finally issued a BIG fine more in keeping with the expectations most of us had when GDPR came into force.

Nevertheless, you might feel the ICO has shown a measure of pragmatism, reducing the fine down so much from the original £183m. But it’s not great timing for any business to suffer a body blow like this.

It will be interesting to see what figure the ICO finally decide to fine Marriott International for their Starwood data breach, which first came to our attention around the same time as BA. The ICO’s original ‘intention to fine’ for Marriott was £99 million.

Should we think again about data breach insurance?

You might be thinking afresh about breach insurance. We’d suggest you shop around and pay attention to the fine print, as data breach insurance policies can vary more than you might imagine.

Don’t just look at the price as no two policies are the same and there is little consistency in the way policies are worded. The levels of cover and features on offer can vary significantly. Keep an eye out for exclusions!

One key differentiator you may wish to delve into is the level of support your insurer will provide in the event of a breach or a cyber attack. Do they have a team of specialists in place who will advise and help you to triage a live situation? This is one area where you might get just what you pay for.

This fine was long anticipated and the pandemic has definitely played its part in reducing the final amount. The travel sector has been badly impacted by COVID and £20 million will hit BA hard. BA may decide to appeal against it. It goes to show how important it is to have robust data protection and security measures in place.

Data Protection by Design: Part 3 – Data Protection Impact Assessments

September 2020

Getting your DPIA process on track

Deciding when to carry out a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), and understanding how to conduct one effectively, is a challenging area.

I’ve come across cases where DPIAs are not being conducted when necessary, or left incomplete. Less frequently, DPIAs are over-used, creating an unnecessary burden on key teams.

DPIAs sit at the heart of Data Protection by Design, and this is part 3 of our series, following on from:

Part 1: Data Protection by Design – The Basics 

Part 2 – How to approach Data Protection by Design

Just to be clear – we may be hearing the term DPIA more frequently, but it’s not a new idea – what changed under GDPR is they were made mandatory in certain circumstances. And even if not mandatory they can be a very useful tool in your data protection toolbox.

So how do you make sure your DPIA process is on track? I’ve taken a look at the key stages you should have in place, and how to get people on-board and improve their understanding.

But first things first.

What is a Data Protection Impact Assessment?

Just to recap, a DPIA is a management tool which helps you:

  • Identify privacy risks
  • Assess these risks
  • Adopt measures to minimise or eliminate risks

It’s a way for you to analyse your processing activities and consider any risks they might pose. It focuses on identifying any risks to people’s rights and freedoms, and considers the principles laid down in data protection law.

The key is to start the assessment process early so you can make sure any problems are found (and hopefully fixed) as soon as possible in any project – be this implementing a new system, designing a new app or creating new processes.

When is a DPIA mandatory?

When considering new systems, technologies or processes a DPIA should be conducted if these might result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals. A DPIA may also be conducted retrospectively if you believe there are inherent risks.

It’s mandatory, under the GDPR to conduct a DPIA in all of the following scenarios:

  • A systematic and extensive evaluation of personal aspects relating to natural persons which is based on automated processing, including profiling, and on which decisions are based that produce legal effects concerning the natural person or similarly significantly affect the natural person
  • processing on a large scale of special categories of data or of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences
  • a systematic monitoring of a publicly accessible area on a large scale

Each EU regulatory authority has published their own list of other scenarios in which a DPIA would be mandatory. You can find the UK Innformation Commissioner’s Office’s in its DPIA Guidance. This includes;

  • use innovative technology (note the criteria from the European guidelines)
  • process biometric data or genetic data (note the criteria from the European guidelines)
  • match data or combine datasets from different sources
  • collect personal data from a source other than the individual without providing them with a privacy notice (‘invisible processing’) (note the criteria from the European guidelines)
  • track individuals’ location or behaviour (note the criteria from the European guidelines)
  • profile children or target marketing or online services at them – it’s also worth checking the new ‘Children’s Code’ aimed at protecting children online

When a DPIA is not mandatory… but a good idea

The ICO says it’s “good practice to do a DPIA for any other major project which requires the processing of personal data.” Here are some examples of where it might be advisable to conduct a DPIA, if your processing;

  • would prevent or restrict individuals from exercising their rights
  • means disclosing personal data to other organisations
  • is for a new purpose (i.e. not the purpose the data was originally collected for)
  • will lead to transfer of personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
  • involves contacting individuals in a manner which could be deemed intrusive.

What the ICO expects you to do

The ICO DPIA guidance has a handy checklist of areas to focus on:

  • provide training so staff understand the need to consider a DPIA at the early stages of any plan involving personal data
  • make sure existing policies, processes and procedures include references to DPIA requirements
  • understand the types of processing that require a DPIA, and use the screening checklist to identify the need for a DPIA, where necessary
  • create and document a DPIA process
  • provide training for relevant staff on how to carry out a DPIA

How to build a robust DPIA process

So how do you go about fulfilling the ICO’s expectations above? Here are some steps to take.

A. Getting Board / Senior Management buy-in

Growing awareness and buy-in from across the organisation is crucial. It can be helpful to highlight why DPIAs are a good thing, for example;

    • they’re a warning system – they alert compliance teams, and the business as a whole, of risks before they occur. Prevention is always better than cure
    • by identifying risks before they’ve an adverse impact, DPIAs can protect you against potential damage to your brand reputation, e.g. from complaints or enforcement action
    • they help management make informed decisions about how your processing will affect the privacy of individuals
    • they show you take data protection seriously and provide evidence, should you need it, of your compliance

Training is also important, I’ll come on to this in a bit, but first you need to make sure your process is fit for purpose….

B. Creating a screening questionnaire

Create a quick set of questions for business owners or project leads to use, which help to identify if a DPIA is required or not.
These can ask about the type of personal data being used, whether it entails any special category data or children’s data, what the aim of the project is and so on.

The answers can be assessed to judge whether a more detailed assessment is really required or not. (It can also show where more training might be needed, if people struggle to answer the questions).

C. The DPIA itself

You need to develop a robust process for conducting a DPIA. The ICO has a template you can use, but it’s good idea to adapt this to suit your business. Make sure it’s easy to understand and not full of data protection jargon.

These are the core aspects it needs to cover:

    • describe the processing you are planning to do – it’s nature, scope, context and purposes
    • assess its necessity and proportionality
    • identify and asses any risks
    • identify solutions and integrate into a plan
    • sign off and record outcomes
    • implement risk control plans
    • and finally, keep your DPIA under review

Let’s look at these seven key stages in a little more depth…

1. Describe your processing

These are some of the type of questions you’d want answers to (this is not an exhaustive list):

    • how is personal data being collected/used/stored and how long it is retained for?
    • what are the source(s) of the personal data?
    • what is the relationship with individuals whose data will be processed?
    • what types of personal data does it involve, does this include special category data, children’s data or other vulnerable groups?
    • what is the scale of the activity – how many individuals will be affected?
    • is the processing within individuals’ reasonable expectations?
    • will data be transferred to a third party and is this third party based outside the EEA?
    • what risks have already been identified?
    • what are the objectives? Why is it important to the business and / or beneficial for individuals?

2. Necessity and proportionality

Consider the following questions (again, this is not an exhaustive list):

    • what is the most appropriate lawful basis for processing?
    • is there another way to achieve the same outcome?
    • have you ensured that the minimum amount of personal data is used to achieve your objectives (i.e. data minimisation)?
    • how can you ensure data quality and integrity is maintained?
    • how will you inform individuals about any new processing?
    • how will individuals’ rights be upheld?
    • are any processors used and if so how will you ensure their compliance?
    • how will international transfers be protected, what safeguard mechanisms will be used?
    • who will have access to personal data, does this need to be restricted?
    • where will data be stored and how will it be kept secure?
    • how long will data be retained and how will data be destroyed when no longer required?
    • have the relevant staff received appropriate data protection training?

3. Identify and assess the risks

Identify any privacy issues with the project and associated risks. These may be risks to the individuals whose data is being processed, compliance or commercial risks.

Is there potential for harm, whether this be physical, material or non-material? A DPIA should ideally benchmark the level of risk using a risk matrix which considers both the likelihood and the severity of any impact on individuals.

You don’t have to eliminate all risks, but they should be documented, and any residual risks need to be understood and, if appropriate, accepted by the business.

If you identify a high risk that you cannot mitigate, you must consult the ICO before starting the processing.

4. Identify solutions and integrate into a plan

Develop solutions which will eliminate or minimise privacy risks and then consider how these solutions impact on the project.

It can be helpful to use the established ‘four strategies for risk management’ (the 4Ts), i.e.

    • Treat the risk, i.e. adopt measures to minimise or eliminate risk
    • Transfer the risk, e.g. outsource the processing
    • Tolerate, e.g. accept risk if its within the organisations accepted level of risk
    • Terminate it, i.e. stop that specific processing or change the process in such a way that the risk no longer exists

5. Sign off and record outcomes

Someone must sign-off that the DPIA is complete and be accountable for any residual risks. It’s a good idea to log residual risks in your Risk Register.

6. Implement risk control plans

7. And finally, keep your DPIA under review

There’s also lots of useful content on this in the ICO’s DPIA Guidance.

D. Awareness and Training

Once you have your questionnaire and DPIA process ready to go, it’s time to make sure people know about it! If people aren’t aware they’ll be busy doing fabulously innovative things, not considering the potential data protection issues and impact on people’s privacy.

Making sure your teams know what a DPIA is, in simple layman’s terms, is an important step – building an understanding about why it’s important and the benefits to the business as a whole.

Creating short, easy to understand, guidelines and raising awareness via other means helps reinforce the message that DPIAs are a good thing and people need to think data protection in their day to day work.

It’s also important to develop people’s skills. After all the DPO (or team/person responsible for data protection) can’t do this single-handed. You need key people to know;

    • what a DPIA entails
    • how to answer the questions
    • what are the types of risks to look out for
    • what type of solutions will mitigate any identified risks

Holding workshops with relevant staff to discuss how you conduct a DPIA, and / or perhaps run through an example, can help improve people’s skills. My key tip would be to try and not over-complicate things and to keep it straightforward.

In summary, whether you are required by law or not to complete a DPIA they are a useful way to make sure data protection is considered from the outset, with no nasty surprises just before your project launches!

“But it’s essential that we go live on Friday!” If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard this one. If only they’d known, or thought of, speaking to the people responsible for data protection.

Often a DPIA won’t required, but there’ll be times when it’s mandatory or just a very good idea.


Data Protection team over-stretched?  We can review your existing DPIA process or help you to develop one. We can also do remote DPIA workshops for key members of your teams – Get in touch